Skilful players

Developing Skilful Players Workshop - Part 2


Workshop title: Developing Skillful Players

Date: Monday 31st July 2023

Time: 6:30pm – 9:30pm

Venue: East Riding FA Roy West Centre, 220 Inglemire Lane, Hull HU6 7TS

Cost: Free

Workshop delivered by:

Mick Matthews - Senior FA Youth Coach Developer (FAYCD)  Yorkshire / North east , professional gameorkshop

Workshop overview:

Being skilful is more than just performing a mazy dribble, or a great pass, catch or tackle. Being skilful involves a variety of ‘capabilities” that work together to help players solve the game problems.

Intended workshop outcomes:

- Focussing on coach observations of individual players
- You will observe the players decisions and actions using the 6 England Learning capabilities model
- Learn how to utilise the S.T.E.P principles, to provide realism, relevance and repetition in training session design, to cater for all ages and abilities.

Click here to book your place