Sport England

Free online workshops for your club

Club Matters Workshops
Sport England partners with East Riding FA

We are delighted to announce that we have teamed up with Sport England to offer you and your club an exciting opportunity

Club Matters is Sport England’s one stop shop for clubs, groups and organisations involved in the delivery of physical activity and sport. Club Matters provides free, convenient, practical resources to help organisations to develop, grow and become more sustainable and successful.

The current COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that volunteers play an integral role in the success of a club both on and off the pitch. That is why we want to offer you and your club the opportunity to participate in a series of free online workshops which aim to provide you with knowledge and information that will help with the sustainability and running of your football club.

The first online workshop is scheduled to take place on Monday 25th January with the remaining sessions scheduled to take place on the last Monday of each month up to and including Monday 24th May. Starting at 7pm and lasting no longer than two hours each workshop will include case studies, topical issues, exercises and opportunity for discussion. 

Available Workshops:

LEGAL STRUCTURES | Monday 25th January

By the end of this workshop, delegates will be able to:
- Understand the importance of club structures
- Understand which structure is right for their club
- Identify the different types of legal structures
- Identify top tips on how to effectively govern their club
- Understand next steps through action planning
- Identify where to find further help and advice


By the end of this workshop, delegates will be able to:
- Identify what constitutes a great participant experience
- Review their current participant experience
- Identify how to bring about change to positively influence the participant experience
- Develop an action plan and understand how to access further support.


By the end of this workshop, delegates will be able to:
- Develop a positive culture of volunteering within a club environment
- Identify how to develop the volunteer’s experience
- Identify top tips in recruiting, retaining and rewarding volunteers
- Develop an action plan to improve their club volunteer experience
- Understand how to access further information to help improve the volunteer experience


By the end of this online workshop, delegates will be able to:

- An understanding of the principles of community engagement
- Explored the benefits of community engagement for both the club and the community
- Explored how their club can meet the needs of the local community and identified how to engage with their community
- Identified actions to improve your club's community engagement and increase participation


By the end of this online workshop, delegates will be able to:

- Understand the importance of financial sustainability
- Understand the principles of good financial management to aid financial sustainability
- Have gained an understanding of different income generating models for clubs
- Established SMART financial objectives linked to what your club wants to achieve

Please note the capacity for each workshop is limited so we ask that each club is represented by only one club official.

click here to book a place on any of the listed workshops

For more information please contact Clubs and Participation Development Officer Chris Johnson.