NHS 'Test And Trace' For Grassroots Football
We wanted to draw your attention to the Government’s recently updated guidance on test and trace, and specifically a new section on the use of QR codes. This has important implications for you and requires action.
The purpose of maintaining records and displaying an official NHS QR poster
By maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors, and displaying an official NHS QR poster, you will help NHS Test and Trace to identify and notify people who may have been exposed to the virus. You must register for an official NHS QR code and display the official NHS QR poster from 24 September 2020.
The NHS COVID-19 app has a feature that allows users to quickly and easily ‘check in’ to your venue by scanning the code. The information stays on the user’s phone. In England, you do not have to ask people who choose to ‘check in’ using the official NHS QR code to provide their contact details. If there is an outbreak associated with a venue, a message will be sent to the relevant app users with the necessary public health advice.
This will help to avoid the reintroduction of lockdown measures and support the country to return to, and maintain, a more normal way of life.
In addition to maintaining and sharing records where requested and displaying an official NHS QR poster, you must also continue to follow other government guidance to minimise the transmission of COVID-19. This includes maintaining a safe working environment and following social distancing guidelines.
The relevant settings this applies to are:
· clubs providing team sporting activities
· facilities for use by elite and professional sportspeople (including sports stadia)
· indoor sport and leisure centres
· cafes, including workplace canteens
· bars, including bars in hotels or members’ clubs
Please note this updated guidance comes into effect from the 24th September and failure to comply will result in Government issued fines.
Full information on test and trace can be found here.
Full FA guidance can be found here.