Free affiliation

club development CENTres can now affiliate for free!

U5 and U6 Development Centres

Does your club run club based training sessions for children aged five and under?

The East Riding FA is pleased to announce that clubs can now affiliate U5 and U6 Development centres for FREE!

We recognise that there is a number of turn up and play sessions taking place across our region that are not currently affiliated. Our aim is to ensure that your club is the best place for young people to play and enjoy football by ensuring that all clubs in our region adhere to the nessecary safeguarding requirements and provide the best possible environment for young people to develop.

Affiliating your clubs U5 / U6 Development centre will ensure that the named coach has access to the FA Coach Bursary Scheme, all participating children are covered by the club’s insurance policy and the East Riding FA are able to signpost children to your club session.

Affiliation is free with the East Riding FA reimbursing all incurred costs.

To complete the process all you need to do is email Rhea Fox with the following details:

  • The name of your club
  • The age group you wish to affiliate
  • The name of the team
  • The FAN number of the lead coach

Chris Johnson

Communications and Participation Officer