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Football Facilities and Pitches

Support, Guidance and Information

County FAs have played an important role in strategically planning, developing and delivering facilities for grassroots football since The FA, The Premier League, Sport England and Government formed the Football Foundation in 2000. Since its launch, it has invested in more than 17,000 sports projects worth over £1.8 billion.

Despite this success, improving facilities is more vital than ever to ensure that we meet the key objective  to ensure that every affiliated fixture is played on a ‘good’ quality football pitch.

The National Football Facilities Strategy (NFFS) sets out the Football Foundation’s ambition to transform England’s grassroots game over the next ten years. It aims to deliver thousands of new pitches, while also investing in the improvement of existing grass pitches and off-pitch facilities across the country.  

The FA, Premier League and Sport England have developed the national strategy to guide our facilities investment priorities over the next ten years and unlock the power of football to transform more lives.

The NFFS includes all Local Football Facility Plans, the Grass Pitch Improvement Strategy, and the Premier League Stadium Funding

It focuses on the four main facility types that will have a major impact on grassroots football: 

- Grass pitch improvement

- 3G football turf pitches

- Changing rooms and pavilions

- Small-sided spaces